Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Learning Analysis: the story of How Feminist Theory Matters

Tuesday 6 December, LAST DAY! How Feminist Theory matters
On our last day we will share with each other our thoughts on how what we know has changed during our time together. 
·       Send to katiekin@gmail.com , use filename "<yrlastname> 400 LEARNING ANALYSIS" & "<yrlastname> 400 LOGBOOK4" or whatever. Subject header SHOULD BE THE SAME.

You will get a written evaluation from me as I look through all your work for the semester. It will come on email, at the email address I have from Testudo's roster. Be sure to check that email to see it and your grade for the semester. I will do my best in the evaluation to share my interest in your work and to offer suggestions for the future. And I would be delighted to see you next term to discuss this class or anything else! I have enjoyed our class so much, and appreciate all of you! 

Passing some sweetness around....

Today we begin for everyone with some exercises, to help us focus and make it a bit easier to share what we have done in the learning analysis. Today each person will speak and offer their own unique sense of traveling through the argument or story of the course. Our personal feelings are, of course, a special part of this. But do think of this primarily as an intellectual sharing of analysis as well as of any careful personal details. Celebrating each others' work and our own, and especially thinking together today about the knowledge we each bring into being is the collective project here, what we share now as theorizers. So listen as carefully as you speak, because active listening is as necessary to collective thought. If someone else says something you intended to say, then -- thinking on your feet -- find another something to say that is a unique bit of your own work instead. 

Focusing exercises for presenting: 
1) find your favorite paragraph in the learning analysis. Put a star next to it.
2) write down what you are most proud of in this paper.
3) put an arrow next to the place you think best describes the argument of the course.
4) write down your favorite reading and be prepared to say what element of its ANALYSIS made it special for you.

=write about a moment in the course where everything seemed to come together for you.
=write about a moment outside the course where you realized you were using something you had learned in the class.
=write about a moment when you discovered something new about how you were included in the argument of the class. 

pick out three of these to share in four minutes. Focus on analysis -- of the course, readings, experiences, realizations -- especially, although feelings and politics have important places too. Be mindful of the time -- we want to allow time for everyone in the class to speak today -- give some real details: don't be too general. Do show off the hard thinking you are capable of. Make sure what you say is special and unique.

And may we keep running into each other, over and over, in friendship and connection and intellectual community and joyful living!


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How Feminist Theory Matters: Experience Set 4

Experience Set 4 AT A GLANCE

you should have begun THE LEARNING ANALYSIS last week.
We will go over it today as well so you can finalize it to turn in next week after you and your class partner have gone over these together. 



Monday, November 14, 2016

• Worlding: keeping our planet going, caring for flourishing and justice

scroll down to the end of this post for instructions for the last assignment, the Learning Analysis...

Let's make our workshop an enheartening way to respond to the election 
• Worlding: keeping our planet going, caring for flourishing and justice 

Experience Set Three culminates in Workshop 2

• Worlding: keeping our planet going, caring for flourishing and justice 

 Tuesday 15 November:

“Worlding” is inspired by "Care - maintenance, repair and mending in a time of post-industrialism," a symposium at Umeå Institute of Design," 12-14 June 2016. "How do we practice care as we relate to feminist new materialisms and posthumanities, which recognise partiality and situatedness and actively encourage collaboration across disciplinary boundaries?" The main organisers were Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl, postdocs at Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University and co-authors of Patchworking publics-in-the-making: http://muep.mah.se/handle/2043/16093 Together they are working now on a project entitled Hybrid Matters together with Nordic artist and scholars: http://www.hybridmatters.net/pages/about

For Worlding you will create either a paper (with enough handouts for each member of the class) or a poster, and document it with digital pics (which determined by lot earlier, whichever one you did not do for Change is Happening). You may work on these individually or with a partner.

With the help of Haraway & Collins (you must show how you worked with these texts), and referring to Gibson-Graham & Keating, and also to two of the recommended texts, you will analyze feminist processes of worlding as activist actions. You will either begin from • 1) the most urgent feminist issue you care about, exploring activist practices that might speak to it; or you will begin from • 2) your own most valued activist actions, and analyze their possibilities for the feminist values you most care to embody. ALWAYS make a point of connecting projects to class readings, activities, and discussions. ALWAYS use a standard model for citation and bibliography, even on posters. You may also want to use the web to follow-up or look in greater detail at the kinds of worldings feminisms explore today and ways all of these are promoted in popular and scholarly media.

During the first part of class on workshop day, we will meet during class time to share our projects, displaying posters and handouts on the walls of our room, walk and talk one-on-one with each other, share questions, observations, excitements! In the second part of class time we will continue to work with the energy generated by our interactions, collectively coming up with reflective analysis and more ideas for what comes next!

Full credit for this assignment requires: • having begun work several weeks ahead of time, • writing and postering in several drafts, • displaying paper & handout or poster during worshop and • actively participating in interactions and reflections, • turning in electronic copies of poster pics or paper and handout to Katie’s gmail account, • and documenting each piece of the assignment as completed in your logbook, which must be turned in electronically with everything else by the evening after the workshop for credit. If for any reason whatsoever you miss any piece of this, you will need to document that in your logbook, with explanations, and perhaps notes of any discussions you have with Katie about it all. If you miss any workshop, you will need to arrange with three fellow students your own little mini-workshop, where you all meet together outside class to share your work and discuss it, and you write a two-page report on your meeting and discussion. 

TO TURN IN: hard copy of paper & handout or print out of poster PLUS LOGBOOK!
TO DISPLAY and pass around: ENOUGH HANDOUTS FOR ALL STUDENTS IN CLASS (30) plus one of paper and handout to post on wall of classroom; poster to post on wall of classroom. BRING TAPE OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED TO SHARE YOUR PROJECT AND POST IT! 

If for any reason you are not present or are missing anything YOU MUST STILL TURN IN LOGBOOK ELECTRONICALLY WITH EXPLANATIONS THAT EVENING!
You will have to RE-ENACT the Workshop with the aid of other class members, and then turn in documentation of what you did: a report and pics.

Questions to be able to answer directly about your project: 
  1. How did you work with both Haraway and Collins and how did you document this? Remember: the point of your project is to read in them both deeply through your project work itself. How have you done this? 
  2. Did you work from inquiry to praxis or praxis to inquiry or discuss their synergy?
  3. How did you connect your project to class readings, activities, and discussions?
  4. Which citation model are you using?
  5. What aspect of Worlding are you most focusing on? Where did you learn about this aspect?
  6. How will you demonstrate that you have been working on this all during the entire period of Experience Set 3? 
  7. What evidence of redrafting does your final product show? 
  8. What evidence of working with your class partner does your project show, esp. of final review before workshop day?
Sign in as you arrive in class on either POSTER PEOPLE sheet or PAPER PEOPLE sheet.

If you are a team, put all team members names TOGETHER as first member signs in: add your signature to team list as all arrive.


=pick out a wall space for your display: either handout or poster
=bring your own tape to fix to wall
=if creating a station with laptop, pull a desk next to wall and use that

CREATE ROOM around the walls so everyone can see everything easily! Move seats around as you need to.


3) everyone SILENTLY looks at all stations and takes notes for interactions and later discussion. (tips for note taking HERE)

4) half of class displays and other half walks around (which determined by kk from sign-in sheets)

5) first interactions:
PART A – workshop 2 – first half

6) more:
PART B – workshop 2 – second half

7) Break


9) Introduction to the Learning Analysis, the final assignment of the term.

next week and Experience Set 4 AT A GLANCE

>>>you begin THE LEARNING ANAlYSIS as soon as possible. 



Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Please do come to class today and take Workshop 2 seriously

A heartful concern shared with you all today: 

I am very worried that some folks think it is simply okay to miss classes before your Workshop project. It gives the impression that you are not taking this class as seriously as others when you do this.

Even though you need to have the option to not attend and just be filled in and no points are taken off for emergencies and other proper concerns, that definitely does not mean that not being in class will not affect your ability to do a good job in Workshop 2 for either the best or worst of reasons. You need to take that issue seriously too. Missing is not "free" in some odd way.

Ask yourself honestly too if you are only motivated by points and grades, or if you also have internal motivations that include valuing how to engage issues of social justice, the joyful work of theory and feminist action, and commitments to your book circle, your class partner/s, and to our group as an intellectual community.

Please don't be the sort of student only motivated by rewards and punishments: find other motivations that matter! This is the heart of education at its best, and of caring concern for others too.


Polls open until 7 pm in VA and 8 pm in DC or MD

Safeguarding your vote

If you are in line by 7 p.m. in Virginia or 8 p.m. in Maryland or D.C., you have the right to vote. If someone tells you, while you are in line, that you cannot vote, that is wrong. Call the Department of Justice at 1-800-253-3931 or email voting.section@usdoj.gov to report it.

Federal election monitors will be dispatched to Fairfax and Prince William counties to monitor any complaints or disruptions that would prevent Virginia voters form participating, including intimidation, the Justice Department announced. Hundreds of monitors will be on the ground in 65 other jurisdictions spread across 27 other states Tuesday.

[vote image from: https://feminist.org/blog/index.php/2012/11/29/we-need-your-votes/  ]

Voter Guide: Everything you need to know about Election Day in VA, DC, MD: includes times, how to find out your polling place, issues, and more: 

Monday, November 7, 2016


TODAY: Tu 8 Nov: Praxis <=> Critical Inquiry / Theory; Collins, Chap 2 and pick another one


TO TURN IN: hard copy of paper & handout or print out of poster PLUS LOGBOOK!
TO DISPLAY and pass around: ENOUGH HANDOUTS FOR ALL STUDENTS IN CLASS (30) plus one of paper and handout to post on wall of classroom; poster to post on wall of classroom. BRING TAPE OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED TO SHARE YOUR PROJECT AND POST IT! 

If for any reason you are not present or are missing anything YOU MUST STILL TURN IN LOGBOOK ELECTRONICALLY WITH EXPLANATIONS THAT EVENING!
You will have to RE-ENACT the Workshop with the aid of other class members, and then turn in documentation of what you did: a report and pics.

Experience Set Three culminates in Workshop 2: everything we do until then is to create our projects for this second Workshop. Start now: 

• Worlding: keeping our planet going, caring for flourishing and justice 

 Tuesday 15 November:

“Worlding” is inspired by "Care - maintenance, repair and mending in a time of post-industrialism," a symposium at Umeå Institute of Design," 12-14 June 2016. "How do we practice care as we relate to feminist new materialisms and posthumanities, which recognise partiality and situatedness and actively encourage collaboration across disciplinary boundaries?" The main organisers were Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl, postdocs at Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University and co-authors of Patchworking publics-in-the-making: http://muep.mah.se/handle/2043/16093 Together they are working now on a project entitled Hybrid Matters together with Nordic artist and scholars: http://www.hybridmatters.net/pages/about

For Worlding you will create either a paper (with enough handouts for each member of the class) or a poster, and document it with digital pics (which determined by lot earlier, whichever one you did not do for Change is Happening). You may work on these individually or with a partner.

With the help of Haraway & Collins (you must show how you worked with these texts), and referring to Gibson-Graham & Keating, and also to two of the recommended texts, you will analyze feminist processes of worlding as activist actions. You will either begin from • 1) the most urgent feminist issue you care about, exploring activist practices that might speak to it; or you will begin from • 2) your own most valued activist actions, and analyze their possibilities for the feminist values you most care to embody. ALWAYS make a point of connecting projects to class readings, activities, and discussions. ALWAYS use a standard model for citation and bibliography, even on posters. You may also want to use the web to follow-up or look in greater detail at the kinds of worldings feminisms explore today and ways all of these are promoted in popular and scholarly media.

During the first part of class on workshop day, we will meet during class time to share our projects, displaying posters and handouts on the walls of our room, walk and talk one-on-one with each other, share questions, observations, excitements! In the second part of class time we will continue to work with the energy generated by our interactions, collectively coming up with reflective analysis and more ideas for what comes next!

Full credit for this assignment requires: • having begun work several weeks ahead of time, • writing and postering in several drafts, • displaying paper & handout or poster during worshop and • actively participating in interactions and reflections, • turning in electronic copies of poster pics or paper and handout to Katie’s gmail account, • and documenting each piece of the assignment as completed in your logbook, which must be turned in electronically with everything else by the evening after the workshop for credit. If for any reason whatsoever you miss any piece of this, you will need to document that in your logbook, with explanations, and perhaps notes of any discussions you have with Katie about it all. If you miss any workshop, you will need to arrange with three fellow students your own little mini-workshop, where you all meet together outside class to share your work and discuss it, and you write a two-page report on your meeting and discussion. 

Questions to be able to answer directly about your project: 

  1. How did you work with both Haraway and Collins and how did you document this? Remember: the point of your project is to read in them both deeply through your project work itself. How have you done this? 
  2. Did you work from inquiry to praxis or praxis to inquiry or discuss their synergy?
  3. How did you connect your project to class readings, activities, and discussions?
  4. Which citation model are you using?
  5. What aspect of Worlding are you most focusing on? Where did you learn about this aspect?
  6. How will you demonstrate that you have been working on this all during the entire period of Experience Set 3? 
  7. What evidence of redrafting does your final product show? 
  8. What evidence of working with your class partner does your project show, esp. of final review before workshop day?


Monday, October 31, 2016

How do Manifestos create Worlds?

For today you read either or both of Haraway's Manifestos in Manifestly Haraway 2016.

How do you know a Manifesto when you see one? 
How do you write a Manifesto yourself? 

I care about…

I believe…

I am committed to…

From Haraway Cyborg:

"Irony is about humor and serious play. It is also about a rhetorical strategy and a political method, one I would like to see more honored within socialist-feminism. At the center of my ironic faith, my blasphemy, is the image of the cyborg...." (5, 2016)  [okay, google blasphemy and you get:

From Haraway Companion Species:

"This manifesto explores two questions flowing from this aberration and legacy: (1) how might an ethics and politics committed to the flourishing of significant otherness be learned from taking dog-human relationships seriously; and (2) how might stories about dog-human worlds finally convince brain-damaged U.S. Americans, and maybe other less historical challenged people, that history matters in naturecultures?" (95, 2016) [okay, google manifesto and you get:

More on the contexts and meanings of Haraway Cyborg:

Sofoulis. 2002. Cyberquake: Haraway's manifesto. In D. Tofts, A. Jonson & A. Cavallaro (eds.), Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History. MIT Press, pp. 84-103. Pdf of one version HERE.

Consider The Riot Grrl Manifesto: 


BECAUSE us girls crave records and books and fanzines that speak to US that WE feel included in and can understand in our own ways.

BECAUSE we wanna make it easier for girls to see/hear each other's work so that we can share strategies and criticize-applaud each other.

BECAUSE we must take over the means of production in order to create our own moanings.

BECAUSE viewing our work as being connected to our girlfriends-politics-real lives is essential if we are gonna figure out how we are doing impacts, reflects, perpetuates, or DISRUPTS the status quo.

BECAUSE we recognize fantasies of Instant Macho Gun Revolution as impractical lies meant to keep us simply dreaming instead of becoming our dreams AND THUS seek to create revolution in our own lives every single day by envisioning and creating alternatives to the bullshit christian capitalist way of doing things.

BECAUSE we want and need to encourage and be encouraged in the face of all our own insecurities, in the face of beergutboyrock that tells us we can't play our instruments, in the face of "authorities" who say our bands/zines/etc are the worst in the US and

BECAUSE we don't wanna assimilate to someone else's (boy) standards of what is or isn't.

BECAUSE we are unwilling to falter under claims that we are reactionary "reverse sexists" AND NOT THE TRUEPUNKROCKSOULCRUSADERS THAT WE KNOW we really are.

BECAUSE we know that life is much more than physical survival and are patently aware that the punk rock "you can do anything" idea is crucial to the coming angry grrrl rock revolution which seeks to save the psychic and cultural lives of girls and women everywhere, according to their own terms, not ours.

BECAUSE we are interested in creating non-heirarchical ways of being AND making music, friends, and scenes based on communication + understanding, instead of competition + good/bad categorizations.

BECAUSE doing/reading/seeing/hearing cool things that validate and challenge us can help us gain the strength and sense of community that we need in order to figure out how bullshit like racism, able-bodieism, ageism, speciesism, classism, thinism, sexism, anti-semitism and heterosexism figures in our own lives.

BECAUSE we see fostering and supporting girl scenes and girl artists of all kinds as integral to this process.

BECAUSE we hate capitalism in all its forms and see our main goal as sharing information and staying alive, instead of making profits of being cool according to traditional standards.

BECAUSE we are angry at a society that tells us Girl = Dumb, Girl = Bad, Girl = Weak.

BECAUSE we are unwilling to let our real and valid anger be diffused and/or turned against us via the internalization of sexism as witnessed in girl/girl jealousism and self defeating girltype behaviors.

BECAUSE I believe with my wholeheartmindbody that girls constitute a revolutionary soul force that can, and will change the world for real.

 "The Riot Grrrl Movement began in the early 1990s by Washington State band Bikini Kill and lead singer Kathleen Hanna.The riot grrrl manifesto was published 1991 in the BIKINI KILL ZINE 2"; online at: http://onewarart.org/riot_grrrl_manifesto.htm
